This documentation was last updated: 27.10.2022
Please note that depending on your organization active location the API address will be different. In general, it will be either, or So you need to modify the example calls in provided in this document accordingly. You can find each documentation with the correct formatting in the following locations:
Using the Claned API you are able to download data as JSON file or as CSV. You can find the documentation from here:
You can retrieve the key from Claned. Go to the admin panel under “Advanced”.
Sometimes creating the data export takes some time so you will also need to get the results. You can use the Swagger, cURL or tool like Postman to try the Claned External API.
Example |
{ "request": { "data_type": [ "Login", ], "data_calculation_type": "Average", "time_frame": { "start": "2020-04-01T11:01:54Z", "end": "2020-04-30T11:01:54Z" }, "row_groups_filter": [ 248, 246 ], "row_label_filter": {}, "row_group_by_filter": "", "row_group_by_labels_filter": [], "column_board_filter": [], "column_content_type_filter": [], "column_label_filter": {}, "column_group_by_filter": "", "column_group_by_labels_filter": [] }}
This will ask for Login events from Claned API. You can see the list of events from the API documentation.
Data type is used to define the type of data to be extracted. We recommend using only one data type per request to ensure that the data is in a manageable format.
Row_group_filter includes the id of the group of users that would be included. You can view the id of the group in the admin panel. Data for users is always on rows. This uses groups 248 and 246 as an example.
You can also include additional filters based on labels.
You can filter boards (columns) with colum_board_filter by providing board id. You can see the board id in Claned admin panel.
All of the matching options are also available in the user interface when opening the data export tool.
Note: in the request, you need to include every single parameter or otherwise it won't accept the JSON
Expected result looks like this, where id is your request job_id that we need later on
{ "job_id": "id" } |
You need to use to get the results.
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: text/plain" -H "Authorization: <job_id here>" |
Results are returned by default in JSON format that you can parse to your liking.
Start by practicing exporting the example query below. It includes the optional group information that you should remove.
Like always, should you have any questions, contact us at