This article will explain how you can create and use templates in your organization. We use templates to make course creation easier. If you want your course creators to follow a similar structure, you can make them a template they can take copies of. Also, if you have course with multiple cohorts, you can use templates to enforce updates on all copies instead of adding material to each one individually.
Please note: templates can only be created by organization admins, and are only usable (can be copied) by organization teachers. Regular users like learners cannot access the template repository at all.
1. Click on My boards
2. Open the board you want to save as Template
3. Open board sharing menu
Make sure you have shared the board to an organization. Only boards that are shared to organization can be turned into templates.
4. Click on Selected groups or users from your organization
5. Choose the group you want to save the template to.
It's good idea to have a group like "Templates" in your organization to use as a sharing target. You can create the group from Admin panel. This is important to make sure that the template is only visible to users who should have access to it directly.
After this, publish your board.
7. Click on EDIT BOARD
After publishing. We need to save it as a template. Open edit board.
8. Click on Publish as board template
9. Click on SAVE
11. Choose who should have access to the template through repository. You can use same logic as with board sharing (individuals, groups, etc.).
12. Click on PUBLISH BOARD
This will save your settings. Board is now visible in repository and you can create new copies based on that template. You can modify the template by opening the board (saved under "Templates" group) and it will automatically update the board and ask if copies of the template should be updated as well.